We're on something of a Doctor Who: Exterminate! kick here at The Asylum, and we're sharing our love for this great game with you once again. Not only that, but—being of a generous nature—this week we bring you two more unboxing videos. So what are we waiting for...? Allons-y!
Our entrée includes not one, not two, but three sets of miniatures, namely the Zygon, Clockwork Droids and Judoon boosters. Whilst the contents of said sets may not be a surprise, we're fairly confident that those of you unfamiliar with this superb range will be astonished at the quality of the miniatures therein.
That's it for this post. Join us next time when we'll bring you more wargaming goodness. Until then, inmates...
...Au revoir. And no, there's no dessert.
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